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Hydraulic Classroom Training


Industrial Training


Dr. Medhat Khalil, CFPHS & CFPAI

Director of Professional Education and Research Development (PERD), Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)


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د. مدحت خليل

مدير برنامج تدريب خبراء الصناعة وتطوير البحوث - كليه الهدسة - ملواكى - وسكنسن - الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

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Fluid Power Seminars

List of Clients

  1. Actuant Corporation

  2. ALA Industries Limited

  3. American Bolt Corp

  4. Applied Fluid Power

  5. ATI Forged Products and Cast Products

  6. ATS Applied Tech Systems LLC

  7. Baldwin Filters

  8. Bimba Manufacturing Company

  9. Bobcat Company

  10. Bucher Hydraulics

  11. Bucyrus International

  12. BWX Technologies

  13. Casappa Corporation

  14. Case Corporation

  15. Case New Holland

  16. Caterpillar

  17. Central Illinois Manufacturing Co.

  18. Charter Steel

  19. Clippard

  20. Clover Industries Inc.

  21. CNH

  22. Columbia Machine Inc.

  23. Command Controls Corp

  24. Construction Forms, Inc

  25. Cooper Power Systems

  26. Cylinder Internal Platform

  27. Danfoss

  28. John Deere & Company

  29. Delaware Manufacturing Industries Corporation

  30. Detrol Fluid Products

  31. Department of the Navy

  32. Distek Integration Inc.

  33. Donaldson Company Inc.

  34. DRS Sustainment Systems, Inc.

  35. Dynamic Fluid Components Inc.

  36. Dynex & Rivett, Inc.

  37. Eagle Hydraulique Components Inc.

  38. Eaton Corporation

  39. Elwood Corp.

  40. Enerpac

  41. Enfield Technologies

  42. Exxon Mobil Research and Engineering

  43. Fairbanks Morse Engine

  44. Filtration Products Corporation

  45. FMF Hill Engineering

  46. Force America Inc.

  47. Foresight Engineering, P.C.

  48. Freescale Semiconductor

  49. Gates Corporation

  1. Gateway Fluid Power

  2. GS Hydraulics

  3. Hagglunds Drives Inc.

  4. Haldex Barnes Corporation

  5. Harken Inc

  6. Harley Davidson Motor Company

  7. Harvester Works

  8. Helgesen Industries

  9. High Country Tek, Inc.

  10. Hunger Hydraulics C.C., Ltd

  11. HUSCO International, Inc.

  12. Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd

  13. Hydac Technology Corporation

  14. Hydra Force, Inc.

  15. Hydra-Power Systems Inc.

  16. Hydraulics & Pneumatics

  17. Hydro Electronic Devices

  18. IC-Fluid Power, Inc.

  19. Ingersoll Rand

  20. Iowa Fluid Power

  21. J.M. Grimstad, Inc.

  22. Jarp Industries

  23. JLG Industries, Inc.

  24. Joy Global

  25. Kawasaki Hydraulics

  26. Kepner Products Company

  27. Kinetics Drive Solutions

  28. Knapheide Manufacturing

  29. Kraft Fluid Systems, Inc.

  30. KTI Hydraulics Engineering

  31. Lavelle Industries

  32. Lexair Inc

  33. Lindem Technical Communication Services

  34. Link-Belt Construction Equipment Co.

  35. Marvel Manufacturing

  36. Mathworks

  37. MFP Automation Engineering

  38. Microfluidics Corporation

  39. Mid-States Equipment, Inc.

  40. Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc.

  41. Milwaukee School of Engineering

  42. Milwaukee Tool

  43. Moog, Inc.

  44. Muncie Power Products

  45. National Fluid Power Association

  46. Nemak

  47. OEM Controls, Inc

  48. Oilgear

  49. Olmsted Products

  50. Oshkosh Corporation

  1. P&H Mining Equipment

  2. Pall Corporation

  3. Parker Hannifin

  4. Pearse-Bertram

  5. Perfection Servo Hydraulics

  6. Phoenix International

  7. Pierce Mfg Inc.

  8. Poclain Hydraulics

  9. Power Test Inc.

  10. Price On-Site, LLC

  11. Prince Industries

  12. Prince Manufacturing Corporation

  13. PTI Technologies, Inc.

  14. Purdue University ABE

  15. Quality Control Corporation

  16. Quality Filtration

  17. Racine Federated Inc.

  18. Ralph A. Hiller Company

  19. Raymond Corporation

  20. Rexroth-Bosch Group

  21. RHM Fluid Power

  22. Rockwell Automation

  23. Rosenboom

  24. S3 Repair Services, LLC

  25. Sauer-Danfoss

  26. Schneider Electric - Square D

  27. Schrader Bridgeport International

  28. Schroeder Industries LLC

  29. Spraying Systems Co.

  30. Sterling Hydraulics

  31. Strattec Security Corp.

  32. SUN Hydraulics Corp.

  33. Systems Engineering Company

  34. The Lee Company

  35. Trelleborg

  36. TRW Automotive

  37. Ultra Clean Technologies Corp.

  38. University of Iowa

  39. US Army - TARDEC

  40. US Marine Corps

  41. Vanair Manufacturing

  42. Vermeer Corporation

  43. Wacker Corp.

  44. Wandfluh of America, Inc.

  45. We Energies

  46. Webster Instruments

  47. Webtec

  48. White Drive Products

  49. Yasser Fahmy Hydraulic Engineering

  50. ZF North America, Inc.

  51. Zinga Industries, Inc.

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